The History of Asheron's Call
- March 13
The collection of crystalline body
parts lay jumbled together on the rocky ground. The sun was high
overhead, passing its way over the west coast of Dereth,
glinting sharply off the faceted edges of the slumbering golem.
The man concentrated briefly.
The disparate parts rose and assembled, a hulking man-shape of
Perfect. A minor part of the
plan to be sure, but as in the art of demiurgy, small things,
when organized in the right fashion, can have devastating
He smiled. Soon.
The stone slab, once a chalky
rough white, was now streaked through with deep russet stains,
haloed by lighter reds and pinks.
Nuhmudira looked around the
dank, dark room. It stank of death. And yet so much good had
come out of it. Thanks to these sacrifices she was able to
harness the flow of magic to her desire. Every day new and
potent weapons and armor and jewelry were being harvested by
Isparians battling to clear Dereth of the beasts that walked
their land.
Her first sacrifice not even two
months ago had opened the door to items of even greater power.
And this next one would set the bar even higher.
Yal ibn Rab walked into the
room. Not so long ago she would not have known he had entered,
but with her current power she had been aware of his presence
ever since he had come through the portal to this lair.
He had been the first of the
Zharalim to swear to her and her alone. He had recognized the
Empyrean threat when she had explained it, promising to do
whatever she deemed necessary to thwart any future invasion.
She had used him hard over the
past few years, and never harder than these last few months,
when she had finally discovered the road to achieve their goals.
At last she could provide the Isparians with powerful tools that
would help to ward off the Empyreans: blood magic.
Together they had decided that
some of his renegade Zharalim comrades who had sought refuge in
Marae Lassel would make the perfect sacrificial targets. Already
twice-outcast, no one would miss the scattered followers of
Hamud ibn Rafik's ruined Tenebrous Edge order. No one would
mourn their loss.
“It is done, Mistress.” He
never used her name. It was always Mistress, or Malika. Queen.
In some ways so formal, and yet at other times he would come
dangerously close to insouciance. He had definitely not approved
of her decision to take on her new apprentice. He had even dared
suggest that they would be better off were he to dispose of the
For the first time ever
Nuhmudira had called him a fool. He had just stood there,
silent, as always. She had felt no need to explain all the doors
that this apprentice, both intentionally and not so
intentionally, was opening for her. Ibn Rab had never questioned
her orders before, back when she had only the power of
persuasion. She would certainly not suffer intransigence from
him now.
She nodded her head for him to
continue. “The new oil has been created. Bloodhunter oil. The
archers can begin applying it immediately.”
As always, he had performed his
tasks successfully and efficiently. For the briefest of moments
she wondered whether this was something she had to do. He had
been the first supporter.
But the apprentice had been
clear. The statues needed a quickening agent of great power. The
sacrifice required was immense.
She walked to the small table
besides the slab, and poured two cups of tea. She took one of
them over to ibn Rab. “Sit and share this moment with me, my
Zharalim.” He bowed slightly and took the cup and they sat
opposite one another at the table.
He brought the tea to his lips.
There was the faintest of pauses, his sky blue eyes resting
lightly on her, and her heart began to surge with fear. She
would have to move quickly to--
He took one sip, then put down
the cup. He exhaled slowly, and deliberately straightened his
dusky robes. The eyes, blue as robin's eggs, found hers. “Why,
Malika?” he said, quietly. “I would have done this
willingly. All you needed was to ask.” He said no more, but
watched her mutely.
The paralysis spread quickly
with this blend, and soon he wouldn't be able to talk. She was
glad there would be no more words. He slumped quietly.
With a strength that would have
been impossible a few weeks ago, she took his comatose body and
put it on the slab. She wondered whether he truly would have
volunteered. But her apprentice was right, this way was quicker.
Less risk. Nothing could delay the salvation of Dereth.
Analysis process unclear.
Prior loci of power have been established and then overrun by
human agents. Nothing has been changed in this establishment to
indicate different results.
Martine ignored the voice. There
had been a time when he could make it shut up. Why couldn't he
make it stop anymore? No, don't think of that, concentrate on
the work.
Query: That is the intention?
Query: You desire failure? My brethren were similarly afflicted.
They labored to create the new Singularity. But I think they
were afraid of success. Change is safe when it occupies the
realm of the mind only. But to actually change. . . Back in the
Singularity there were no distinctions between mind and body. To
think was to be. Here. . . very scary.
He found himself thinking of the
woman more and more. He could not stop thinking about her. Maybe
he should introduce himself. Maybe she actually was his wife,
but just dressed up to look different. There was the power to do
that over here. He certainly looked different than when he had
lived on Ispar. Maybe if he opened her up, he would find his
wife underneath. She was so beautiful. He had visited her almost
every night.
Illogical. She is not your
wife. Query: You wish to place the creature there? Interesting
choice. Perhaps if you placed it nearer the wall, it would kill
more of the humans as they came through the door.
Martine growled.
I am just attempting to help.
You seem more distracted than usual. Perhaps attempts to assist
at this moment are not efficient use of time. I will try again
The voice was blessedly silent.
Martine resumed finalizing his plans for this new dungeon
structure. And thinking about flaxen-blonde tresses draped
softly over silken pillows.
Winter begins to give way to
spring, the ground swells with fresh drops of rain, and the
first signs of rebirth begin to spread across the land. But
darkness ever looms over Dereth, a dark shadow cast by a man
with revenge foremost in his mind. He will stop at nothing to
see his vengeance complete.
Yet there are beacons of hope.
The Arcanum, under guidance of
Nuhmudira, has constructed towering structures to represent the
heroes and foes deserving of respect in towns throughout Dereth.
They act as a reminder of the efforts that all Isparians put
forth in the defense of Dereth their home. They assist those
adventurers as well, another gift given over by the good graces
of Nuhmudira and the Arcanum.
Rumors persist that the High
Queen is planning a new festival when the snows are clear and
the spring rains cease. Her guards continue to patrol the
fringes of the outposts and defend hapless towns from incursion.
She has remained undaunted by Martine's attempted assault upon
her and her son.
Despite these beacons the
darkness grows. In the desert Nuhmudira's mansion lies barren
and empty. The Aracanum does not speak on the matter at great
length and the presence of the Zharalim defending her home make
investigation difficult. Some have entered the place and not
returned and others are so aghast at the things that they have
seen they cannot speak.
The Isparians have proven to be
a formidable foe to any who stand against them in the past, and
so it remains even now. Martine's forces have yet to penetrate
and create any type of fortified position on the mainland of
Dereth. His efforts having been rebuffed by contingents of
warriors intent on seeing his evil thwarted, and the peace that
had comforted the land, returned. But now in the Direlands,
Martine, after months of failure and frustration, has placed his
sword into the earth and created a foothold for his forces.
Terrifying new creatures roam the hallways of these strongholds,
defending a prize worthy of only the strongest warriors.
There are precious few lights of
resistance that waver and tremble in the encroaching darkness.
The Isparians struggle against this new spreading shadow. Shall
they prove triumphant before the last ray of hope is snuffed?
Following is a list of the
most interesting additions made to the game this update.
However, please note that not everything has been included--that
would spoil the fun of finding out all manner of things added or
changed! As usual, though, the town criers, barkeeps, and
scribes may know the latest news. Also, the trades of crafting
and selling are always in flux, so changes to prices and
features are not always listed here in their entirety.
- Statues of creatures of Dereth
and heroes of the Isparian people have been added to the center
of all towns. These new gifts make the hunting and crafting
process easier.
- Three new dungeons link
together in a new quest with a highly coveted reward for upper
mid-level players and beyond.
- New housing is opened across
- New weapons provide devastating
- Fletchers and archers now have
the capability to make arrows that are more useful at higher
- Items found by way of the
treasure system now have a greater chance of being better
quality overall.
Oodles of changes for the March Event, so let's get started!
First, for the month of February, while we had (unfortunately) a
number of server crashes, we had no confirmed reports of item
loss on hooks or in chests, with one important exception, which
we'll discuss in a bit. We now believe storage and hooks
offer secure storage for your items.
However, if you put items into
your storage chest or hooks, and some time shortly thereafter
(anywhere from immediately after to roughly 10 minutes) the
world or specific server where your house resides crashes, there
is a possibility that you would lose the items you just placed.
Unfortunately, this is a risk that will always be present when
storing items in your house.
The good news is that we will
continue to place a strong emphasis on ensuring server
stability, and aggressively investigating the causes behind any
server crash and fixing those promptly.
One of the items on our
checklist for future housing improvements has been implemented
this month. With the @house available command, we hope
that people will be able to monitor open houses more efficiently
than by having to camp individual houses. While the command
won't solve the problem of there being more demand for houses
than supply, we think Residential Quarters will.
Residential Quarters are an
implementation of housing that we plan on releasing either in
the April or May Event. It will be a series of linked rooms in a
shared space accessible by a portal. Each room can be purchased
by a single player, and the rooms offer storage, a recall spot,
and a few hooks for players to put items. One of the key
advantages of these Residential Quarters is that they allow us
to make thousands of these spaces available in a given month,
which we hope will help alleviate all players' desires for a
space to call their own. Players will be able to own either a
Residential Quarter or a house, but not both. Look for more
information on the Residential Quarters next month.
We will also continue to develop
regular housing. This month we are releasing another 200 total
units: 150 Cottages, 40 Villas, and 10 Mansions. After this
month we will not be making any more mansions, and instead will
be releasing 150 Cottages and 50 Villas per month.
Our future plans for housing
- Adding more usable hooks in the
- Allowing players to be able to
use pyreals and Writs to purchase additional storage space in
their houses.
- Allowing players to be able to
use items while the items are on a hook, and create content that
takes advantage of this ability, e.g. questing for a portal to
(cool place X) to put in your house.
One final note: Certain portals to Villa dungeons were broken by a
change made right before the March Event. Unfortunately, these
portals will not work throughout the March Event. They will be
fixed for April, however. These locations are:
- 23.0 N, 46.4 W
- 23.1 N, 46.6 W
- 23.3 N, 46.4 W
- 23.5 N, 46.6 W
- 23.5 N, 46.1 W
- 23.1 N, 46.1 W
As you may have already noticed this month, for the first time
in over two-plus years of Asheron's Call's existence, we
decided to retroactively reduce the skill cost for an existing
set of skills. A few months back, we took a look at all the
skills and asked whether they, in some form or fashion, were
worth their skill cost.
In some of these cases over the
years, we have attempted to balance perceived inequities in the
advantages of skills versus their skill costs with content. For
example, the Singularity Key dynamic was such an attempt, to
make Lockpicking worth its 6 skill credits.
Ultimately, balancing some of
these costs with content was proving to be very difficult or ran
a large risk of creating other imbalances. Two skills we felt we
would not be adding much additional functionality to (or even if
we did, it would not change the basic cost of the skill), were
Missile Defense and Alchemy.
While Missile Defense definitely
has its uses in combat and in allowing one to activate certain
magical items, it was certainly not an 8-credit skill. We feel
that 6 points to train and 10 points total to specialize more
accurately reflects Missile Defense's benefits in Asheron's
We also felt that Alchemy, while
having the most benefits of the craft skills, and therefore
worth more than Fletching and Cooking, was never going to get
the constant updating through content that might make it worth
its 8 skill credits to train and 16 to specialize. So we felt
that 6 and 12 brought that skill closer to its actual worth.
So what else is on our
skill-balancing plate? First, we should mention that we are not
planning to reduce the cost of any more skills, nor are we
planning to increase the cost of any skills. That said, there
are some skill dynamics that we are planning to either add new
features to, or to change entirely.
Appraise Armor, Appraise Weapon,
Appraise Magic Item, Appraise Item and Assess Monster are all
skills that we are looking to change over the next few months.
That is the extent of skill-balancing that we will be
investigating over the few months. (This is a separate process
from our continued efforts to both balance melee skills with
each other and with alternate forms of doing damage such as
archery and magic. Our efforts to improve melee skills will
continue during this timeframe as well.)
Over the next few months, we
will release more information about these changes and what they
mean for the world of AC.
This month contains the first step we are taking to making the
warrior and archer classes of Asheron's Call feel like
they are able to compete at the higher levels of AC content
with their mage brethren.
One advantage that mages have
over the other templates is their ability to “unlock” higher
and higher damage potentials as they increase in skill. As they
increase their War Magic skill, they are eventually able to cast
differing levels of War spells, with each level at a higher
damage range than before.
Warriors and archers have not
had that ability, until now. With Wield Requirements, we are now
able to offer melee and missile players an ability to do higher
damage as their skill level progresses. Ultimately, we would
like to eventually offer an even higher level of damage
potential for players, but we will first be monitoring and
evaluating how effective this stage is.
A few notes about this specific
stage: We have intentionally not improved either staves or
daggers at this time. This is because of our desire, once all
the weapons' changes are made, to have a weapon's true power be
based roughly on their skill costs to specialize. In this manner
a person who paid 16 credits to specialize sword will be able to
out-damage a person who spent 4 credits to specialize dagger
(for the purposes of this balancing we have to assume the
optimal heritage group for a racial weapon, e.g. an Aluvian
dagger character).
Given the power of the hilt
dynamic, we will not be making any changes to dagger until we
make our ultimate melee changes. And since staff is only a
4-credit cost to specialize, we are leery of making too many
changes to staff until we have a better sense of what the
ultimate effectiveness of these changes are.
Also, we did not add these
changes to any hiltable swords. Generally, we did not add these
changes to any of the lower damage versions of weapons.
Our next step in our plans for
melee improvements will take 2-4 months to implement (sometime
between May and July). We will share more details about the
system as we get closer to implementation.
Hand in hand with the weapon changes comes our second set of
changes to our treasure generation system. Since we were
tinkering with certain systems anyway (such as weapon and
jewelry generation), now seemed to be the best time to look at
the parameters of what was being generated, and tweak those
parameters so that they more accurately reflected the current
state of the higher level game in AC.
Hence, our changes to the
percentages of how often certain weapons spawn at the higher
levels of treasure in the game, and the changes in percentages
to how often certain spells appear on jewelry.
First, the weapons. While I know
many of you will miss the acid javelins being spawned so often
from SIK chests and Singularity Troves, our goal was to make
sure that the weapons people are most likely to use at the high
levels for a given skill are indeed the weapons actually being
spawned. This meant fewer shou-onos and light crossbows, and
more longbows and morningstars.
We also seized this opportunity
to balance out which types of weapons were being spawned. One of
the more egregious imbalances of the system was the rate at
which unarmed weapons were spawned at the high levels--roughly
2% of the time. This has been boosted to 8%. The snippet in the developers'
notes covers the high level issues, but the basic idea is
that the availability of the weapons are loosely tied to their
skill costs.
As for jewelry, we noticed that
the rate at which useful multiple-spell jewelry was being found
and used was a little low. To address this, we both upped the
chance that multi-spell jewelry would be found, and made it more
likely for “useful” spells to be found on the jewelry. While
it may have made sense initially for Armor to appear 30% of the
time as the spell on a piece of jewelry, it no longer makes
quite as much sense some 2 years into the game. We expect to
make a change in the next couple of months that will make this
dynamic available to even more players, at all levels.
Finally, a couple of design
fixes to problems, one old and one new: The old one is the lack
of missile masteries (TW, Xbow, Bow) on gauntlets/sollerets.
Ultimately we decided that there was no real reason in today's AC
to allow the melee skills to have all the fun with these
armor pieces. The new one is when we implemented cantrips on
armor, we didn't make shields a separate category from armor,
which resulted in some useless items (shields with Bow Mastery
cantrip, etc.). This has been all fixed now.
Sometimes, having played or been involved with Asheron's Call
since its inception, it's easy for us over here at Turbine
and Microsoft to accept that the game is the way it is, and
focus on adapting instead of thinking about what can and should
be changed.
The way we use mana
stones/charges is one example. It's tedious and slow to have to
be constantly checking your items to see if they're running low
on mana (although the mana bars help), but hey, it's the way the
game is, right? Except that we saw it really didn't have to be
that way.
And that was the genesis for our
two tweaks this month to the mana stone: the ability to use it
on your paper doll to fill up all of your items at once, in
order of their greatest need, and to receive a warning some time
before the item actually runs out of mana, so you won't lose
that critical Armor 6 or Bludgeon Prot 6 just as the next set of
Tusker Guards respawn.
Another change we made under the
vanguard of “Fun”: making nearly all creatures appear on
radar. While we appreciate the design considerations that went
into the initial idea, we decided that at this stage of Asheron's
Call, it was a better play experience to let everyone use
their radar effectively. We felt it appropriate to emphasize
playability over “reality” in this case. We also recognize
that while such a change does not eliminate the usage of certain
3rd party programs, that at the very least it allows those who
do not use such programs some of the same gameplay advantages.
Finally, after lots of
consideration of some of the dynamics of the “Boss Monsters”
we introduced some months back, we decided to address part of
the problem directly, rather than waiting for all these
melee/missile changes we had been talking about for a long time.
While these changes are currently being worked on, we realized
that those future changes and the changes that we did make this
month wouldn't help a melee player kill a Diamond Lord now. We
feel that with the reduction in regeneration rate and armor
level, the Diamond Lord is now a much more melee-possible
monster to kill. Look for some changes to the other Boss
Monsters next month.
Hot Topics
- Hollow Weapons--Due to a bug at
the last minute, Hollow Weapons changes have been pushed to
April. Expect upgrades to Hollow Axe, Sword, Mace, and Spear for
the April Event.
- As with our changes to
mushrooms this month, expect more changes to areas in the future
to make it more difficult for players to gain experience by
killing creatures while away from their keyboards.
Month and Beyond
As you saw in the March developers'
notes, we fixed a longstanding bug in which players who had
never entered a tieable portal could portal recall to their
logout spot. Along those same lines prepare for further changes
next month to many of our portal/transportation dynamics.
Some of the highlights:
- Everyone, regardless of whether
they have Item Magic, will receive the ability to recall to
their Lifestone without dying.
- Those players with Item Magic
will get a host of new features:
The ability to “Lifestone tie” so that they will have access
to two Lifestones.
- A second portal tie, recall,
and summon spell so that one can tie to two portals.
- The ability to recall through a
“last-used” portal if one hasn't learned tie will be
removed. In its place will be a new item magic spell, “recall
through last used portal” which will be available to everyone
with Item Magic.
Also in the near future (either
April or May), we unveil some changes to one of the most
maligned attributes in Asheron's Call: Endurance. While
we didn't want everyone to run out and start pumping out 100 100
100 10 10 10s or 10 100 10 10 100 100s characters after April,
we do want people to think that having more Endurance can be a
viable play style, especially if you are a melee character. Look
for more information next month.
Over the longer term, we're
still going to focus on melee improvements. And we will take a
look at the mid-level play experience (defined as level 25-50).
Is it challenging? Is it fun? Expect to see some changes there
over these next few months.
Finally, just because being a
mage may be the most effective way to play Asheron's Call right
now, it doesn't mean it's the most fun. Once we implement some
of these changes to the melee dynamic, we will then begin
unveiling some radical (and fun!) changes to the way magic works
in AC.
As always, thank you for playing
Asheron's Call.
--The AC Team
Functionality and Content
- New quests and new dungeons
related to the ongoing storyline have been added.
- A new creature roams the Dires.
- There is a new command, @house
available. Using this command will give you a list of
Cottages, Villas, and Mansions that are both open to the public,
and not yet sold. The list currently caps out at 400, although
there generally should not be any situations in which more than
400 houses are available at any one time.
- Players can now use mana stones
and charges on their paper doll to charge all of their items at
the same time. When players use mana stones in this fashion, the
game computes which items would run out of mana first (including
those items which have run out of mana), and recharges those
items to maximum capacity, and then moves on to the next item,
etc., until the mana stone runs through its mana and is
destroyed. As in the original dynamic, excess mana is still
destroyed if all your items are fully charged, and you have to
re-wear items that have completely run out of mana once you
recharge them in order for the item's spells to take effect.
- You now receive a warning two
minutes before an item you are wielding runs out of mana.
- When people attempt to swear
allegiance to you, you now must confirm whether you wish to
accept them or not. As before, squelching the person prevents
them from attempting to swear allegiance to you, or you may turn
off requests to accept allegiance.
Miscellaneous Improvements and Changes
- 150 Cottages, 40 Villas, and 10
Mansions have been added to the world. We are not currently
planning on adding any more Mansions to the world after this
- House Settlement Portals for
those settlements added in February have been added to the
- Fletchers are now able to
fletch new high damage arrows and quarrels, named Deadly
Arrows/Quarrels. There is a skill requirement of 230 in one's
Bow or Crossbow skill to use these weapons. This is a raw skill
requirement. Buffs or debuffs to either the skill or attributes
feeding the skill or vitae penalty will not factor into whether
a player can wield the weapon. There are currently no Deadly
Atlatl Darts, although that may change in an update soon.
- At the high levels of treasure,
it is now possible to find swords with a range of max. damage up
to 32, axes with a range of max. damage up to 30, maces with a
range of max. damage up to 28, spears with a range of max.
damage up to 26, and unarmed weapons with a range of max. damage
up to 10 (although a 10-damage unarmed weapon is extremely
rare). Further, there is also the possibility of the treasure
system at the high levels generating swords, axes, maces, and
spears with a tighter damage variance (so a higher minimum
damage). For axes and swords, the tightest damage variance
possible is .4 (previously .5), for maces it is .35 (previously
.5), and tridents and swordstaffs .5 (previously.6 and .66
relatively), and for yaris and budiaqs it is .6 (previously
- All weapons generated with
either a damage bonus or a variance bonus will have a wield
requirement in that weapon's skill of 250. If the weapon has
both a variance and damage bonus, the skill requirement is 260.
This is a raw skill requirement. Buffs or debuffs to either the
skill or attributes feeding the skill or vitae penalty will not
factor into whether a player can wield the weapon.
- There is now roughly double the
chance of finding magical jewelry with either 2 or 3 spells on
it compared to the old rate.
- The chances of Focus or
Willpower cantrips landing on weapons have been reduced to
almost nil, while Weapon Masteries and the 4 Item spells (BD,
HS, D, SK) have been increased slightly.
- Shields no longer have a chance
of generating: Bow, Crossbow, Mana Conversion, or the 4 magic
school masteries cantrips.
- Alchemy now costs only 6 skill
credits to train, and 12 total skill credits to specialize.
Those characters with trained or specialized Alchemy will have
received 2 or 4 credits back.
- Missile Defense now only costs
6 skill credits to train, and only 10 total skill credits to
specialize. Those characters with trained or specialized Missile
Defense have received 2 or 6 credits back.
- The types of weapons generated
at the high levels of treasure have been revamped. The rate at
which unarmed weapons appear at these levels has roughly
quadrupled. Staves have increased slightly. Daggers have been
reduced slightly. Atlatls now appear in the high-end treasure
system (though not in the low or middle ranges, this will be
fixed in April). Nayins, yumis, and longbows, heavy crossbows
all appear more; Yags, shortbows, shouyumis, and light crossbows
all appear a lot less. Random thrown weapons now appear a lot
less. The higher damage swords, axes, maces, and spears now all
appear more, their lower damage counterparts appear a lot less
(although hiltable swords appear only somewhat less often).
- Gauntlets and sollerets can now
be generated through the treasure system with Bow, Crossbow, and
Thrown Weapons Masteries on them. These appear on the gauntlets/sollerets
at roughly half the rate of the other weapons. Coordination now
appears on the gauntlets/sollerets less, and UA, Dagger, and
Staff masteries now appear slightly less, while Sword, Axe,
Mace, and Spear appear at the same rate.
- The chances for various spells
to appear on magical jewelry has been slightly altered.
Attribute Masteries (Strength, Coordination, etc.) now appear
slightly more often than before. Life Protections now appear
slightly more than double the rate they used to. The renewals (mana,
hps, stamina) now appear less than half the rate they used to.
Armor now appears at less than half the rate it used to
(although it is still the most common spell). This change
affects all levels of jewelry.
- Prior to this Event, almost all
creatures were only visible on radar when moving in some way.
This has been changed so that they are now visible on radar
- We have improved the monster
selection keys slightly, such that you should be more likely to
select the monster actually closest to you when you 'Select
Nearest Monster,' instead of a monster on a level right above or
below you.
- Atlatls, atlatl darts,
dartshafts, and wrapped dartshafts are now available for sale at
various points in Dereth. Players can now also fletch atlatl
- There had been a longstanding
bug where a player who had never entered a recallable portal had
been able to recall to their logout spot. This bug has been
fixed. Now, if players have never entered through a recallable
portal, and they cast portal recall, it will recall them to
their Lifestone instead.
- There was a bug that set
everyone's personal spell economy at .92 effectiveness even if
the person had never cast the spell before. This has been fixed
so that a person's personal spell economy begins at 1.00
- Dye vendors for the Neo Greater
Shadow Armor have been added.
- Mushrooms on the landscape now
have very tall physics cylinders, such that players will no
longer be able to jump on top of them.
- Mushrooms in dungeons are now
ethereal, such that players cannot perch on them.
- The house panel now both tells
you when your next maintenance date is, and when your next
maintenance is actually due. If you have not paid your
maintenance for the current month, these two dates will be the
same. If you have paid your maintenance for the current month,
your next maintenance date will be listed for your current
period, and the next maintenance due date will be listed
for next month's period.
- All Nexus Armor on Darktide has
been deleted.
- Diamond Lords and Oak Golems
have had both their armor and hit point regeneration rates
reduced. We will be looking at the other “boss” monsters
during March to see if others need to be adjusted for April.
- The Glowing Virindi Cloak, and
not the Mosswart Shroud, is now the correct item to use to
acquire the first Singularity Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Katar, and
- In February, we fixed a bug in
which players could form equal xp-sharing fellowships (including
a fellowship of one), and thereby ignore xp reductions on
killing monsters that had a lower level than the player.
Minor Details
- A new cooking text has been
added to the game.
- If a player who owns a Mansion
is to lose that Mansion during the next maintenance due date,
due to loss of monarchy or rank, a warning message pops up each
time that player logs in.
- The Buadren is described
correctly now as doing fire, not slashing, damage.
- The portals into Aun Tanua's
dungeon have had their level limits tweaked slightly.
- There are now no tieable
portals in the Aun Tanua dungeon.
- There is now no entry
restriction on the portal to the Burial Temple.
- Regular Leather Crafters now
return the Hoary Hide instead of exchanging it for a non-Hoary

