The History of Asheron's Call
Chains of Command - June 2001
As the sun warms the ground so that the earth may become bountiful a new threat encroaches on the land of Dereth.

Across the mountains of northern and southern Osteth, Drudges have come to heel beneath the rule of raiding parties. These Drudges, altered by the Virindi, can only have been sent here by their malicious masters to carry out another aspect of their invasion.

Patrols of Stalkers and Lurkers make their way through the mountains. Only by defeating them can parties gain access to the underground citadels of their leader. The newly organized Drudges call themselves The Black Claw Clan and are sworn to service of a Virindi known on as the Inculcator.

For the purposes of purging this menace from the world monarchies have made great strides in bolstering communication within their ranks. Now allegiances can appoint speakers to relay information to all members with new efficiency and speed. Messages may be delivered on a daily basis to keep all within apprised of current events and happenings.

Magi of the School of the Left Hand have discovered the Essence of Enchantment. By feeding the scrolls of the school to the Essence they are gifted with the knowledge of the seventh sphere.

Assisting those schooled in magical arts, archmages have developed a way to alleviate the tedium of purchasing reagents one by one. Now they will fill orders as determined by what their clients desire. As an added benefit they now consider reagent peas to be components as well.

As the seasons change so do the creature of the world. New trophies can be forged into armor and keepsakes by crafters as the season forces creatures to shed their hides once again.

The changing tides of Solclaim have continued into Seedsow, but the Virindi grow bolder and still their motives remain hidden. They take small steps against the Children of Ispar and now the question is, when will they make great strides?

New Functionality 
  • Allegiance communication enhancements are in! 
  • Hey, look -- it's the component buyer!  

Miscellaneous Improvements 

  • Peas are now spell components. They appear in the F6 panel in the client. Handy! 
  • Wrapped frost, acid and lightning arrowheads can now be split apart. 
  • Max stack size on Mnemosyne reward arrows has been raised to 250. 
  • It's summertime! Seasonal trophies change once more. 
  • Level 7 Creature Magic is in. ph34r. 
  • All vendor buy/sell rates altered to prevent “money running.” It's no longer possible to make three million weightless pyreals in an hour by schlepping items to and fro. 
  • Monster rebalancing continues! Crystal Fragments, Niffis, and Tumeroks have all been visited by the Sanity Check Fairy.
  • All level 1-5 spells have had their durations extended. 

Minor Details 

  • Danby's Outpost now has its intended Lifestone. 
  • There are 3600 seconds per hour, not 3660. :) This was causing /age to display incorrectly. 
  • Larry the Bunny Master isn't quite so shy anymore -- he shouldn't run away from visitors. 
  • You can no longer recall to the Hieromancer Lyceum after going through the Trial Dungeon exit portals. 
  • The low-stakes Sho Gambler was giving out Small Mnemosynes instead of the Tiny Mnemosynes he was supposed to. The pit bosses came down on him pretty hard. 
  • The Casino Bosses have invested their winnings in some shiny new objects. 
  • @r and @rp now map to @reply, while @rt now maps to @retell. @reply and @retell still work as usual.
  • Changed default state of status bars to on instead of off. No more clicking on those @#$%&*^ bars every time you login! 
  • It took five years, but vendors now wear aprons to make them visually distinct from players. 
  • Bug: No tribute to Douglas Adams in game. Bug fixed. All fish duly appreciated. 
  • Underwear is now ivory/off-white. Let's never speak of this again.