The History of Asheron's Call
That Which is Ours - February
There was a sharp crack as her mace
struck the carapace of the Olthoi and the creature fell to one
knee. As it struggled to regain its footing, Madison raised her
mace to strike the Olthoi's skull. It was unable to deflect the
blow with its pincers, and her mace shattered the creature's
exoskeleton. The insect let out a dying wail and ceased its
Her companion, Gruvlin, glanced
over from the creature he was busily looting. "Did
you ever think you'd see it?" he asked.
She and Gruvlin had been
dispatched by the High Queen to determine if the rumors
trickling in of creature migrations were true. The number of
Olthoi they'd encountered was all the proof Madison needed that
at least some of the tales were true. Yet the question of why
remained unanswered.
"No," Madison said
wearily, her voice laden with weight. In every direction she
heard chittering and saw the claws of Olthoi. "This makes
no sense, Gruvlin."
"Sense or no, it's
true." Gruvlin smiled as he held up a necklace fitted with
a bright fire opal. He thrust the necklace into a pack, reached
down to the corpse again, and pulled a key from the gullet of
the creature. After wiping it clean of ichor, he clipped it to a
ring he pulled from his pack.
He slowly stood and said,
"Let's continue our patrol."
"A raid?" Marvus
gripped the strap of his shield tighter. "Good, let
them come! We shall spill their blood on the field of battle
this day." He snickered. "The Chorus of Mages remains
unaware of our new armaments. They shall at last feel the bite
of my blade whilst I wade through their hail of summoned fire
and acid."
As he stroked his beard, Asheron
continued, "You see Ciandra, this island was once a place
of rest for the ruling Yalain, although it was already steeped
in history and shrouded in a great number of mysteries that your
people are still discovering."
Asheron had arrived at the
Temple of Forgetfulness the day before and had asked Ciandra to
show him around. He was quizzical and jovial, more so than the
last time she had seen him. Now, as he poked into the corners
and inhaled the air heavy with pollen, it almost seemed to her
that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"It's been centuries since
I have seen this place. Little has changed, other than the baths
are shallower and the steam vents are filled with the former
caretakers-turned-assailants." He paused for a moment, and
turned toward her. "Some day, I mean to gather as many
golems as I can and fix them." Then a wry smile crossed his
face. "Though there are other concerns, I suppose."
He then turned to one of the
bookcases on the wall. "Ah, the memories of this place. I
don't believe that we ever found the source of the magic here.
We of course had our speculations, but nothing was ever
discovered. These fountains would rejuvenate my race. We'd feel
younger from being here for but a few moments, as if we were
bathed in the potency of the very thing that created all that
there is."
He turned to Ciandra once more.
"I wouldn't be surprised if your discoveries here have
begun a process that will open your bodies and minds to greater
knowledge and ability." His eyes turned, and he seemed to
be looking into the distance. "Of course, there is never
anything that does not come at a price. I wonder what that price
will be."
Aerbax's thoughts appeared in
the mind of the Master. "Now, subject, you shall be exposed
to the source of energy for a period of time. If all goes well,
you shall be enhanced as Puppets before you have been. Are you
prepared?" The Master's affirmative response was quick in
"Puppet, let the exposure
begin," Aerbax commanded.
The floating slab inched closer
and closer to the inky darkness floating in one corner of the
room until finally thin wisps of pure black stabbed out of the
darkness. The wisps infiltrated the Master's cloak, and Aerbax
could see the violet color of the cloak change. As the color
shifted to deep maroon and then to the bluish purple of
midnight, a shrill squeal tore through the room. Finally the
squeal stopped, and Puppet pulled the slab back from the
darkness and released the subject.
Aerbax nodded in satisfaction.
Another success.
Welcome to the February edition of
the Asheron's Call Letter to the Players. The AC Live
team has been extremely busy this past month, and February will
bring some interesting changes to Dereth.
Monster Redistribution
Have you ever seen a Snowy Mattekar in the middle of the desert?
Or a swamp-dwelling Mosswart hanging out in the snow on a tall
mountain? Well, when the Virindi story arc ended, the creatures
of Dereth went through a shift from their old homes to new ones
based off of a more consistent level structure. While this
created more definable areas for players to hunt in, it also
placed creatures in previously non-native areas. For February,
we are revamping the monster generators to create hunting areas
that are based on a more consistent leveling structure but
adhere to the history, background and nature of the creatures
that will be used in these areas.
We strongly recommend logging
out in a safe area before the February prop-and by
"safe," we don't mean your favorite muling spot in the
Dires!-Try inside your house or a city. This is going be a
multi-prop process; this month you'll see monsters
redistributed, and next month they will be going through a
rebalancing phase.
Housing Issues
Several months ago, we posted an article about duplicated
housing objects and how they affect you. We have continued our
quest to eliminate duplicated housing objects, and although we
have not yet completely solved this problem, we have made
significant progress.
In addition, this month we have
made several small changes that should help the owners of houses
with duplicated hooks or storage resolve their situations more
easily. Starting with the February update, duplicated housing
objects will attempt to synchronize with the house that owns
them so that when the house is loaded, the duplicate object has
the current owner information. This will fix the problem in
which a new owner does not have access to hooks or storage
duplicated before he or she purchased the house. It is important
that you can access any duplicated housing objects in order to
clean them out. Starting in February, duplicated objects will
automatically delete themselves, but only if they are empty. The
February event will also see some new code that better
synchronizes the number of hooks that you have in use at any one
A few months ago we released
information on how to determine if you had duplicate hooks and
storage in your house. That information is now obsolete. The
information below explains how to tell if you have duplicate
housing objects and what you can do if your housing objects have
been duplicated.
How do I tell if I have
duplicated hooks/chests?
You can determine if you have
duplicated housing objects by using the [ and ] keys on your
keyboard to select the items near you. If you have two or more
storage chests, for instance, you will be able to flip between
both chests using the [ and ] keys, even though you can only see
one chest and select one chest with the mouse. Once you have
selected one of the duplicated housing objects with the
keyboard, use the R key to open the object so that you can
remove the contents.
How do I get rid of the
duplicated hooks/chests?
Once you have identified a
duplicated hook or chest, empty both instances. When you empty
the "fake" copy of the hook/chest, you will see a
message explaining that the hook/chest was a duplicate and that
it will now be deleted. The hook or chest will disappear a few
seconds later. Please note that the duplicated hook/chest will
NOT disappear until it is empty, so you must remove all
objects-including empty backpacks-from the chest. Once the
duplicate hook/chest has disappeared, it will be safe once again
to use the "real" instance of your hook or chest that
What if I'm not around when
my hooks and storage duplicate? Will I lose everything?
The primary risk of item loss
from duplicated housing objects occurs when you are transferring
items to and from your hooks or storage, since you may
unknowingly place an item in a duplicated storage object. As a
result of the February fix, you can no longer add items to a
duplicated hook or chest-if you attempt to do so, you will see a
message explaining that this is a duplicated object and that you
should empty it immediately. So the risk of losing items due to
duplicated housing objects is very small.
A special note for villa owners:
One model of villa has two hooks located in the same place (in
the corner of the room that contains the portal into the
dungeon). This is not actually a duplicated hook situation; both
of these hooks are legitimate hooks correctly linked to your
house. Therefore, one of these hooks will not delete itself when
empty. Because these two hooks overlap, there is some potential
for strange interactions between the physics of hooked objects.
Therefore, we recommend that you only use one of these hooks at
a time.
Changes to the Queen's
We've modified the Queen's Quest slightly to help those who may
have been flagged as having finished the quest but never got the
quest reward. To address this issue, we've adjusted the Queen's
Quest so that it can be repeated every three months. If you
completed the quest more than three months ago-even if you
completed it successfully-you will now be able to repeat the
quest and receive the reward. How do you tell if your timer has
expired and you are allowed to repeat the quest? You can find
out by speaking to one of the Tumeroks in Timaru. If they no
longer greet you as "Queenslayer" or talk about your
brave exploits defeating the Olthoi Queen, you can complete the
quest again.
Post-Creation Specialization Limit
When post-character creation skill untraining and specialization
were introduced, we instituted a limit of 50 skill credits that
could be invested in specializing skills. This was the same
limit newly created characters had. Further discussion of the
system led us to decide that at some point we'd want to increase
that limit; however, we wanted to evaluate what changes this
might have on the game before we did so. We wanted to give
ourselves time to observe the effects of the skill
specialization system since it would be nearly impossible to
revert unbalanced characters, and we wanted to be careful of
going overboard. Now that we understand the effects of the
system, we feel that our previous concerns have been addressed.
We have raised the limit to what we'd originally proposed; i.e.,
to 64 skill credits. Some of you got to take advantage of this a
bit early because some of the code snuck through in January, but
in February everyone will be able to spend 64 skill credits in
specializing skills.
That's it for the big changes in
February. Of course, that's not all that we have in store for
you in the future, but for further updates on content, you'll
just have to wait and see… As always, enjoy the game, and
thank you for playing Asheron's Call.
-The Asheron's Call
Not all that happens in Dereth
shakes the world, but even small events can leave mysteries
behind them. One such begins in the town of Rithwic…
Delton Hardor was surprised by
Tamian's sudden interest in challenging him to combat, even if
that combat was only with wooden practice swords. Tamian had
never shown interest in swordplay or combat before. Nor, in
Delton's opinion had Tamian ever shown interest in anything that
benefited the community. He did not hunt, did not farm, did not
craft items of utility, and certainly did not help defend
Rithwic, even from the Drudges. The look on Astara's face seemed
to imply she thought his behavior was strange as well.
Although his grip on the wooden
sword was unsure, Tamian seemed more determined than Delton had
ever seen him. Curious to see how he would react, Delton allowed
Tamian the first attack. After Delton easily parried his thrust,
Tamian hesitated, almost as if he realized how out of place he
was. Then the hesitation passed and Tamian swung at Delton's
legs. Delton parried this one as easily as the first.
"Honestly," Delton
thought as he moved in closer to Tamian. "Tamian handles
that sword like a farmer swinging a hoe."
Delton delivered a swift blow to
Tamian's sword arm, throwing him off balance and spinning him
around. He followed this with a blow to Tamian's backside.
Delton could not help but laugh at how ridiculous all this was.
Did Tamian actually think he stood a chance?
Tamian's face turned red. He
leaped at Delton, swinging wildly. Delton's well-practiced
parries blocked the blows, and he swatted Tamian again and
again. This worthless cur would learn a lesson today.
Listed below are the changes
introduced in our February event. We've spelled out specifc
changes to game functionality and existing content, but the
details on new content are up to you to discover! Speak to town
criers, barkeeps, and scribes for the latest happenings in
Dereth. For more information on this month's event, please see
this month's Letter
to the Players. Please submit any bugs you come across to
New Functionality and
- A mysterious tower has been
- Monsters have migrated back to
more hospitable climes!
- Those skilled with lock picks
can now help everyone organize their keys.
- Strap on some additional
protection from those fire bolts and acid blasts!
Improvements and Changes
- Characters may now devote 64
skill credits, increased from the previous limit of 50, toward
specializing skills using specialization gems found in the
"Temple of Enlightenment."
- As part of our redistribution
of monsters, we've tried to define more level-centric hunting
grounds. This will give players looking for landscape hunting a
specific area in which to hunt. The character level ranges we
have defined for these hunting grounds are:
- Newbie: 1 - 20
- Low: 20 - 40
- Mid: 40 - 60
- High: 60 - 80
- Extreme: 80+
- Uber: 100+
For example, creatures found in
a Low level hunting ground should be those that are appealing
(in both their experience reward and treasure they provide) to a
character between levels 1 and 20. The only exception to this
would be creatures that protect special treasure chests. These
creatures may still seem out of place for the area in which they
are found.
- In addition to redistributing
monsters along character level lines, we've begun the process of
rebalancing monsters along those same lines. Depending on the
creature, this may involve tweaks to the monster's melee,
missile, and magic defenses. It may also involve revising the
level of spell it casts and the experience reward it provides.
Due to the amount of time involved, for February we were only
able to balance creatures found in the Newbie areas of the
world. In March we'll complete this rebalancing process, but for
now players may come across a monster that seems tougher or
easier than those surrounding it.
- The resistance to Drain
provided by a character's Endurance was not being applied
correctly when some spells were draining health. We have
corrected this. The target character's drain resistance is now
applied during any health-draining spell attacks.
- As discussed in the Letter
to the Players, we've tweaked the Olthoi Queen quest
- The Olthoi Eviscerators that
spray you, thus allowing you to enter the Royal Hive, are
spraying you more often.
- Aun Hareltah no longer changes
your title without asking you. Instead, he hands you a token. If
you'd like your title changed to "Queenslayer," just
hand him the token back.
- Aun Hareltah's logic has been
changed slightly. He shouldn't stamp you as having completed the
quest unless you've actually received the reward.
- The quest can now be repeated
every three months.
- Ivory may now be applied to
Bandit Weapons so that they can be taken out of a character's
inventory and stored.
- We've implemented some fixes to
help address duplicate hooks and storage chests. Please see this
month's Letter
to the Player for more details.
- On very rare occasions, a hook
could become unlinked from its house. This could, in turn, cause
any items in those hooks to be lost. Therefore, we've changed
the behavior of houses when they are loaded by the server. As it
loads, a house essentially verifies that its hooks
"know" which house they belong to. It should no longer
be possible for a hook to become unlinked from the house that
owns it.
- It was sometimes possible for a
house to mistakenly register that more of its hooks were being
used than was really the case. Houses now do a more accurate
inventory of the hooks they own, so this mistake shouldn't occur
in the future.
- When we gave mansions more
hooks, we said that the update gave the mansions 100 hooks and
that players could use all 100 of these hooks. However, in
reality mansions each had 100 above-ground hooks and 41
below-ground hooks. We've updated mansions so that you can now
use all 141 hooks.
Minor Details
- We've corrected a situation
that could cause the Player Killer portal use restrictions to be
triggered accidentally by the use of some recall and dispel
- The chests found scattered
throughout the "Valley of Death" have a much longer
regeneration cycle, allowing more people to loot each chest
before it locks again.
- The Neydisa Hauberk got a bit
more useful.
- We've spoken to Larry the Bunny
Master again, and he says he'll try to be around his cottage a
bit more.

