The History of Asheron's Call
A Gathering of Colors - April 25
About the room a host of Lugians
and Tumeroks exchanged wary glances. Their leaders had debated
for four hours. Each had highlighted the goals of their
campaign, their alliance with the Virindi, and their contempt
for those that claimed regency over them. Their words had been
laced with vitriol and at points it seemed the two sides would
engage in open conflict. Eventually, the tensions drew the
meeting to a standstill that had now lasted a full two minutes.
The Lugian and Tumerok banners were still in the windless hall.
Then the silence was broken.
"A union, then."
Muldaveus' voice was as deep as his face was stoic. The Tumerok
seated across the table offered his hand.
"Agreed. A union." The
two shook and rose to their feet. "We have been beneath the
heels of others too long. Now, when the slave masters are
occupied we shall claim this world for our own."
The assembled raised their
voices as one. The banners fell and the forces of the renegade
Lugians and the Dereth Tumeroks became an army.
The stranger placed the crate
behind Rah bint Khurdig. He took the trade notes from her hand
and offered a wry smile.
"Throw them with
care." The stranger said as he left her tent.
"What is that?"
Sherelle asked as her fellow Tolmic lifted a crystal from the
fallen shard. It boasted a rich blue color and looked lustrous
in the fading sunlight. Tolmic held it up and examined it
"Don't know." His eyes
widened as he moved the newfound gem near his breastplate.
"That's odd."
"It feels like it belongs
in the breastplate." He looked down at the Celdon crafted
by Alean only a moon before. "Should I try it?" He
looked at Sherelle.
"What's the worst that
could happen?"
"…the tinker and his
prize. The mug of ale, the drinking horn, jug of mead…"
Ulgrim sang the tune lightly as he walked through the front
door. A broad smile spread across his face. "Home."
Home. Nearly six hundred years
before he had left this place after a pitched and violent battle
where many had fallen beneath the scythe-pincers of the Olthoi.
He ran his hands along the stonework of the courtyard and looked
up at the massive diamond behemoth that stood at the gates.
"Greetings Lord Master
Asheron," it said. Asheron managed a grim smile, and the
golem bowed. "Welcome home."
Greetings one and all, and welcome
to April's edition of the Asheron's Call Letter to the
Players. The AC Live team was hoping that spring would
be here by the time of this writing, but alas, there is still
snow on the ground. This month's Letter may look a little thin;
there aren't too many items we want to discuss, and the majority
of the April update involves new content and quests that we'd
like you to discover for yourselves. But there are a few issues
that bear mentioning.
Rebalancing, Feedback,
and the Missile Range Penalty
The monster rebalancing has resulted in a lot of player
discussion, both positive and negative, and we want to thank
everyone for all the feedback we have received. The AC Live
team prides itself on its relationship with players, and the
rebalancing process has really highlighted how important player
feedback is to us.
The range penalty to missile
attack skills serves as a graphic example of the importance of
player feedback. As part of our rebalancing efforts last month,
we adjusted the missile defense on a large number of creatures
across Dereth. The new missile defense levels worked well at
close range, but they highlighted a major flaw of the system
that had never before been terribly important: the range
penalty. Previously, a missile character at full range was
operating at about 50% of their normal attack skill, which made
hitting level-appropriate monsters from full range extremely
difficult. This kind of percentage penalty is especially
difficult to overcome at higher skill levels where 50% of your
attack skill may mean 200-300 points of skill.
Player feedback made it
immediately obvious that the old-style penalty just would not
fly in the new, rebalanced Dereth, and so the penalty has been
reduced considerably for the April update. Missile characters
will still incur a penalty to their attack skill for firing at
range, but the new penalty is much reduced: from approximately
20% at the absolute furthest possible range, down to no penalty
at all at about half (outdoor) radar range. We will continue to
monitor feedback about this change, of course, and may make
other adjustments if they become necessary.
The April update will also see
another addition of interest to some missile characters: a
craftable thrown weapon that can be used with a shield.
Dark Heraldry
Every month one or two players will ask us what will ever become
of the unfinished Tumerok Banner quest. We are overjoyed to be
able to answer that question with the April update. Of course,
you'll have to discover the exact changes yourself, but suffice
to say that the military commanders have finally gotten their
rewards in order--and just in time to meet a renewed menace!
Change of the Season
Dereth remained draped in winter last month--it was so cold here
in Massachusetts, we figured Dereth should be too! Actually, the
survival of the snow was a small oversight, and with the April
update the snow will recede and the spring flowers will finally
appear. If only we could manipulate New England's weather so
So, as we warned you at the
beginning, there weren't many issues to discuss in this Letter.
Life in Dereth forges on…and portents of dark times and hard
choices throng about us. But that, of course, you'll discover on
your own. Thanks for reading, and thank you for playing Asheron's
--The Asheron's Call
"Overlord." The Tumerok
stopped in his tracks and offered a salute to the Overlord. The
Overlord responded with a simple nod of his head.
"The raiders are honoring
the terms of the alliance," the Tumerok reported.
"They have begun moving toward current Lugian holdings,
though it appears that they remain fractured and hampered by
those still loyal to Kresovus."
"What of our forces?"
the Overlord asked as he thrust a dagger through a tender chunk
of fire auroch meat.
"Our forces rally to the
banners outside of Dryreach. The holdings there swell with more
of our number by the moment; the eldest are joining the ranks of
the militia while the youngest remain in the training facilities
honing their skills." The Tumerok remained rigid and alert,
never once meeting the eyes of his commander.
"Keep me informed of any
movement against us, Captain." The Overlord ripped a hunk
of meat free and dismissed the captain with a wave. The captain
turned on his heels and left the Overlord's chambers.
"Dryreach?" Elysa
"Yes. Not truly much of a
surprise; the residents of the town did say that there was an
increase in the Tumerok population over the past lunar
cycle," Antius responded. He sat across the table from her,
flanked by two guards.
"See that a garrison is
sent to investigate. I'll be damned if I'll allow Hea Tumeroks
to make their homes in Derethian lands again." She met
Antius' gaze and motioned the two guards away. As they left the
room, she asked, "What of Asheron?"
"Gone." He leaned back
in the chair and let out a soft sigh. "I made my way to his
island as you instructed, but there was no answer when I reached
the tower." He paused as he searched her consternated face,
then asked, "Should I continue my efforts?"
"No—" she snapped.
"No, I was just curious for my friend. He's been troubled
lately. Besides, it's time we stopped relying on him and rely on
Listed below are the changes
introduced in our April event. We've spelled out specific
changes to game functionality and existing content, but the
details on new content are up to you to discover! Speak to town
criers, barkeeps, and scribes for hints about the latest
happenings in Dereth. For more information on this month's
event, please see this month's Letter to the Players. Please
submit any bugs you come across to
New Functionality and
- Ulgrim has returned to his
home, and he brought his Phat Loot with him!
- Bowyers in Dereth are now
selling bow spike shafts, which a talented fletcher can craft
into throwable spikes.
- We have tweaked the range
penalty for missile weapons. See the Letter
to the Players for more details.
- The Crystal Shards in the
Direlands and other high level areas are occasionally leaving
behind a new form of crystal, as are the Sentient Crystals that
inhabit the Valley of Death.
Minor Details
- Gambling tokens are now
- Using a Shrine or gem will now
transport you directly to Oolutanga's Refuge.
- The inherent dispel spell on
the Awakener buadren can now be cast on NPKs as well as PKs.
- Some monsters are now more
protective of their brethren.
- Some creature weapons were
dealing fire damage, but had the appearance of an electric
weapon. These have been fixed.
- Last month, as part of our
ongoing efforts to further improve server performance, we
increased the cache size of the allegiance pass-up experience
cache. This caused some odd behavior to appear with vassal
experience pass-up. This month, we have tweaked the cache size
downward a bit to reduce the appearance of odd behavior, while
still preserving the benefits to server performance.
- Missile objects that hit the
environment will now be destroyed, just as if they had
successfully struck their target. This change should improve the
performance both of the server and the client, especially in
crowded situations.
- Several very minor bugs
affecting the distribution of experience in fellowships have
been resolved.


